Connectivity & 5G Can Assist in Decarbonizing Industries

connectivity & 5gThe pandemic era has proven that emission levels and company practices can change quickly. Recent research has shown that connectivity and 5G can assist the decarbonization of various industries.

A recent MIT Technology Review Insights Report supported by Ericsson has found supporting data that the telecommunications infrastructure can assist in the decarbonizing of industries. The report specified how connectivity, especially with the upgrade to 5G, within the telecom infrastructure are supportive of this.

Environmental Concerns

In August 2021, a climate change report by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s or IPCC, “Estimates of the global emissions outcome of current nationally stated mitigation ambitions as submitted under the Paris Agreement would lead to global greenhouse gas emissions in 2030.  Avoiding overshoot and reliance on future large-scale deployment of carbon dioxide removal (CDR) can only be achieved if global CO2 emissions start to decline well before 2030.” Global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions must be cut nearly in half to fully abide by the Paris Agreement. This means organizations and industries must begin planning and implementing their GHG reduction now.

Decarbonizing With the Telecom Industry

Of all the various technologies available to enterprises to assist in reducing GHG and the carbon footprint, connectivity and 5G can be one of the most powerful of these tools. 5G telecom infrastructure can assist in greener efforts with data-based decarbonization through more efficient digital channels.

5G and other digital mobile technologies can generate a transformational acceleration of decarbonization efforts.” The following 5G enhancements can provide the buildings blocks to reducing emissions by half by 2030.

  • Increase Transmission Speeds
  • Provide Ultra-Low Latency
  • Enhance Real-Time Analytic Capabilities
  • Manage Digital Devices and IoT Networks at Larger Scales and Flexibility
  • Advance in Digital Transformation
  • Increase of Automated Systems
  • Increase of Mobile Applications
  • Improve Energy Efficiency
  • Enhanced Remote Monitoring
  • Provide Sustainable Operational Processes
  • And Many Other Digital Improvements

5G-enabled cellular networks are a clear enabler for each of the so-called ‘four Ds’ of renewable energy: decentralization, decarbonization, digitalization, and—increasingly important for this fast-changing and entrepreneurial space—democratization.” Antonello Monti, Professor, RWTH Aachen University

Areas That Can Benefit

Almost every industry can benefit from the previously mentioned improved digital channels. Even those industries that have the largest impact. The energy, manufacturing, and transportation industries have the potential to reduce GHG by half with the proper implementation of 5G connectivity through various digital channels.

Connectivity and 5G can assist various industries with their impact on decarbonization. Reducing an industry’s carbon footprint will not only impact that industry but will also positively impact our entire planet. If your organization wants to learn more about 5G infrastructure, please contact the experts at GeoTel today.

Written By: The Experts at GeoTel
