Fiber Optics and Sports

Corporations across America are eager to begin the construction of youth sports complexes because the youth sports industry is booming.  To building these complexes, these corporations are turning to fiber optics and mapping.

fiber optics

Though normally regarded as an effort to boost an area’s economy, the construction of sports complexes, specifically those geared towards children and youth sports, is chosen less for the area’s economy and more so for what the surrounding area has to offer the corporation itself.  , a Florida State University professor, describes the process of deciding on a complex location as economically political.

As pointed out by Time Magazine, the youth sports industry has reached $15 billion dollars of revenue a year and continues to grow. Time Magazine reporter, Sean Gregory, cited the industry’s growth to the modern parent’s viewpoint that sports offer their child a competitive edge later in life.  Therefore, corporations are not so much led by the idea of prosperity to a location, but rather the idea that the chosen setting can house the best resources for the youths’ growth; such as athletic training tools powered by fiber optics technology. As tools such as those listed below allow for child athletes to better understand their potential and harness their skills.

These internet-based athletic training tools, such as data integrated sports gear, monitors to capture real-time analytics and wearable sensors have become synonymous with the competitive edge that parents are looking for.  Therefore, by picking a location that is best suited for a fiber optic connection, corporations are able to offer a complex geared towards that competitive edge parents strive for. To accomplish this, fiber optic mapping tools can be used to assess a tentative location for its ability to create the strong connections needed for such sporting complex.

One such tool, TeleTracker, powered by GeoTel allows the user to analyze various fiber optic possibilities in each location.
