In today’s world, we are connected to our Smartphone literally at the hip. It has become an extension of both our personal and professional lives. In fact, there are some jobs now where we don’t even have to go to the office anymore. All the work can be done from our wireless device. Now just imagine for a second if our Smartphone was lost or stolen . . . we would be totally paralyzed!
In fact, many GIS Vendors are now deploying their services by way of mobile apps. It makes sense, as most people employed in this industry are out in the field, and need information and data delivered to their wireless device in real time. But even now, everyday folks are also benefitting from these GIS apps.
One such vendor, known as (To), just last week announced the creation and deployment of these apps. They will be made available across all platforms, most importantly those of iOS and Android. According to CEO Sarah Linden: “After working in the Geospatial Information space for years I saw the opportunity to take this powerful technology to individuals who are faced with transitions between education, entering the workforce and eventually retiring.” (SOURCE:
But, the differentiating factor from these apps versus the other GIS apps is that they are strictly designed for those who may be facing some uncertain moments in their life, as it was mentioned in the quote above. The idea is to give the end user an extra resource to find geographic locations easier and more efficiently, such as determining the best route to get to a job interview ahead of time.
Other than giving directions, these apps developed by (To) can also give the end user a sense of what the physical location will look like by presenting a 3D, panoramic view of it. It also notifies individuals of their favorite places while they are on the route, such as coffee shops, restaurants, movie theaters, etc.
GeoTel is a telecommunications research and GIS mapping firm that researches and provides telecom datasets for more than 6,000 cities in the United States and worldwide. GeoTel’s expertise includes specialists in economic geography, geospatial engineering, web GIS, and telecommunications GIS Data infrastructure.