There was a time when all a company had to was simply hire a sales team, cold call a bunch of prospects from the Yellow Pages, get the initial appointment set up as well as other meetings, and, finally, close the deal. My, how times have changed. First, the Yellow Pages are no longer relevant. With the advent of the Internet, any sales person can look up a contact in a matter of two seconds, and make that call.
Also gone are the days when a sales person would have to sit at their desk day after day to make their calls. Now, with the advent of the both wireless and Smartphone technology, an account executive can be on the road, making those cold calls while he or she is meeting with actual prospects.
Gone, as well, are the days of using snail mail to launch a marketing campaign to potential prospects. E-mail blasts can be done in just a matter of a few clicks and in just a few seconds. With the advent of the various social media tools out there, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter, a sales person has even more reach in the virtual world.
Believe it or not, the principles and technologies of GIS are now being utilized by sales people to make their digital strategies for closing their deals much more effective. In fact, it was just announced that Chris Cappelli, Director of Global Sales at ESRI (a leading GIS vendor) will be making a presentation as to how their GIS platform can help a sales team further refine their strategies.
The topics in this presentation will include an overview of their powerful location-based platform that automates, integrates, and improves the digital sales process from the inside out. This is essentially a mapping technology that delivers an end-to-end digital solution, making any sales team fast, agile, connected, and responsive.
According to Cappelli, “To keep up with modern consumer expectations and the rapid pace of technological change, organizations need to move toward a holistic digital business model.” (SOURCE:
GeoTel is a telecommunications location based intelligence research and GIS mapping firm that researches and provides telecom datasets for more than 7000 cities in the United States and worldwide. GeoTel’s expertise includes specialists in economic geography, geospatial engineering, web GIS, and telecommunications GIS Data infrastructure.