An Alternative Telecom Metaverse – SK Telecom’s ifland

telecom metaverseAs tech giants Apple and Meta (previously Facebook) race to offer the best version of the metaverse, a new competitor has launched into the realm. A South Korean telecommunications company, SK Telecom (SKT), has promised ifland, a telecom metaverse service, is gaining traction.

Telecom Metaverse

SKT is one of South Korea’s largest telecom operators with over 10 million 5g users. Back in 2021, SKT unveiled ifland as a “5G virtual service business.” Access to the platform was as simple as downloading an SKT app for users in South Korea. By the end of 2021, the company had 1.1 million active users. Fast forward to May 2022, the collaboration between Deutsche Telecom (DT) and SKT was announced. The partnership was to complete a test trial of the metaverse for the European Market prior to the year’s end.

Making good on their promises, the collaboration has released the telecom metaverse earlier than expected and is boasting its gaining traction. SKT recently released that active user time has nearly doubled and the company has received over 1500 partnership requests.

AI and Digital Services

Young Sang Ryu, SKT president and CEO, reiterated that the company’s vision is to position itself in the AI realm as a digital services company. “I’d like to make it very clear that SK Telecom will pursue strategic M&A opportunities… The first direction is to acquire technology companies for the business such as AI and metaverse,” Ryu said. He also noted how the company profit has increased over 11% from the previous year.

Ryu also noted how the company has plans to continue expansion overseas and position itself as a global competitor. While the metaverse, ifland, is currently unavailable in America market it seems as if it is only a matter of time before we have more options of which metaverse we want to virtually exist in.

While more options emerge in the virtual and augmented reality space, the telecom infrastructure has never been more essential for providers and end consumers. Contact the experts at GeoTel to obtain information on the telecom infrastructure near you.

Author: Valerie Stephen
