The Under Looked Component of Telecom

When people hear about, or even see, from various sources what the telecom industry is all about, the perceptions of fiber optic cable, bandwidth, network connectivity, televisions, smartphones, tablets, and other forms of wireless devices often come to mind.

It is only natural to conjure all of these images; after all, it is the telecom vendors that provide a bulk of our Internet and wireless connectivity (such as both Comcast and Verizon, respectively).

However, there is another very important component to the telecom industry that is often overlooked: the Data Center. It is these not often talked about entities that possess the gargantuan databases that contain terabytes of information and data.

These datasets can very often be used to execute what is known as “Data Mining Techniques,” from which a telecom vendor can glean very useful insights of the behavior patterns of their customers.

For example, an entity like Comcast can use these trends and then forecast how well any future product or service offerings would be perceived by existing customers. On the other hand, analyses can also be conducted in real-time in order to gauge what a new market penetration will look like.

Given the importance of these data centers, new predictions have come out as to what new revenue streams might be for 2016.

Just recently, a survey, entitled the “IHS Infonetics Cloud and Data Center Security Strategies and Vendor Leadership: Global Service Provider Survey,” was conducted. The results were released last week. It was discovered that the implementation of both Virtualization and Software-Defined Networking (SDN) services will be the wave of the future for data centers in 2016.

 According to Jeff Wilson, a senior research director involved in this pioneering study, “As virtualization and SDN deployment increases, it becomes easier and easier for service providers to provide protection for their virtualized infrastructure and deliver customized for-revenue security services to customers.”

GeoTel is a telecommunications research and GIS mapping firm that researches and provides telecom datasets for more than 5,500 cities in the United States and worldwide. GeoTel’s expertise includes specialists in economic geography, geospatial engineering, web GIS, and telecommunications GIS Data infrastructure.

