In a bold fourth-quarter move, ResurgenceIG purchased Strome Fiber Holdings in an effort to expand its own dark fiber network into more areas of Florida and Georgia.
Strome Fiber Holdings (“Strome”) had created and maintained a large presence in all of Florida and the Atlanta, Georgia area with over 120,000 miles of optical fiber. Strome’s purchase by ResurgenceIG will allow for the creation of a new “contiguous dark fiber network in Florida that now extends into Atlanta, GA.”
Though Strome has been purchased, reported that there are no plans to change the current CEOs and COO of Strome as they are reportedly staying in those positions. However, as the acquisition continues ResurgenceIG has made public their plan to usher in new products to customers.
In an interview with LightWave, Nick Lenoci, the president and COO of ResurgenceIG stated, “A key growth strategy for us in the near future is to offer Spectrum leases, also known as Alien Waves, in addition to our existing dark fiber IRUs and leases. We are also exploring a fundamental structural change of our network from a linear architecture to a ring architecture.”
For other telecom companies and fiber optic providers in Florida, this merger could mean the emergence of a new competitor. ResurgenceIG’s tactic of leasing dark fiber along their network’s backbone will allow for new companies and individuals to receive “hands-on” access to fiber cabling. This should translate to motivation for those fiber optic and networking companies close to ResurgenceIG as they pave the way to be a force in the Florida/Georgia market.