The Largest 3D Map Ever

3D Map

Dark energy has been a force pushing the universe to expand since the initial Big Bang. Scientists are now working on a way to create a 3D map of it.

The University of Arizona is making a breakthrough with the largest 3D Map known to man. A recently developed scientific instrument has been added to a telescope in Kitt Peak National Observatory. This addition is known as the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) and will work by measuring dark energy’s effect on the expansion of our universe.   

According to NASA, very little is actually known about dark energy, other than it is a spacious property that encompasses 68% of the universe and is linked to universal expansion.

Fueling the 3D Map

This instrument is able to create a map with its focal plane that consists of 5,000 robotic automated sensors each accompanied with a fiber optic cable to intake light from all corners of the universe. The University of Arizona reported that the ideal situation is for the telescope equipped with DESI to be able to process a set of 5,000 new galaxies in sets of 20 minutes. It will have to repeat over its own tracks as light does not always shine consistently.

DESI is expected to operate much like a time machine by being able to see into the infancy and development of the universe nearly 11 billion years ago to develop the largest-scale 3D map imaginable. Being able to map the structural basis of our universe will open a whole new plane of possibilities in the field of Physics. After proper examination of the data produced by this revolutionary investigation, scientists should be able to measure how much of the universe is expanding and how fast.

Testing Theories

Last week a milestone was passed when the final stage of testing began for DESI. The Director of DESI, Michael Levi, recently stated, “after a decade in planning and R&D, installation and assembly, we are delighted that DESI can soon begin its quest to unravel the mystery of dark energy.” Being able to track the universe in the largest 3D map ever, will allow scientists to test and discover past theories and perhaps even develop new astronomical laws.

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Author: Valerie Stephen
